4th year of Competition FOR WATER 2019 started

After three successful years, the Ekopolis Foundation has announced the next edition of the competition FOR WATER, which deals with the preventions of  water problems. Since January, municipalities, organisations or businesses have been able to nominate concrete situations related to water retention, saving or drought prevention. The patronage of the 4th year of the competition was held by Minister of the Environment, Mr. László Sólymos.

As a precious source, water and its protection is a priority for Nestlé in area of social responsibility. In connection with FOR WATER competition is very important for us to connect the real solutions of situations and suggestions prepared from students and young profesionals. The competition thus provides an opportunity to actively participate for another generation with an interest in the protection of nature resources, “said Martina Šilhánová, Nestlé’s Corporate Responsibility Manager.

The main ambition of the FOR WATER competition is to connect talented young people with those who are looking for inspiration and concrete solutions for specific water problems in the municipalities. Until 3th February 2019, municipalities, organisations or businesses  may nominate the concrete problem related to the water retention, usage of rainwater, drought, floods or water purification.

Subsequently, students and young people between the ages of 18 and 30 will be able to choose a topic for drawing up a competition, or they can compete with their own idea. It can also be a semester or even a diploma thesis. The nominee can thus get new ideas and views on the problem, and suggestions for solutions from students in the form of ideological suggestions or studies can be used as they need after the competition.

 Thanks to competition we want to find an interesting and inspirational solutions of water problems and to communicate a water necessity for effective solutions. This tasks from young people could change a view of other municipalities, schools, officers and general public in case of sustainable and responsible ways of water economy,“ explains Martina Paulíková, the Programme Manager of competition.

For more informations, please contact a Project Manager: Martina Paulíková, paulikova@ekopolis.sk , tel.: +421 915 811 195

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