Bike to Work Photo Competition timeline changed

Corona virus has affected the largest substainable-mobility event in Slovakia –Bike to Work. Due to unstable situation, the organizers have decided to move the contest from May to September. Despite the timeline change, the registration for municipalities and team stays open.

Terms and Conditions

Conditions and submissions

  • Photo Competition will take place September 1 –30, 2020.
  • Competitors can submit photographs they think are well suited to the theme – Bike, a suitable alternative to cars for your ride to work.
  • Competitors can only submit their own photographs.
  • Genre is quite free, it only depends on the competitor’s discretion and choice.
  • You can submit your photographs:
    • via Instagram Use hashtag #dopracenabicykli to mark your photo;
    • via e-mail (if you don’t have an Instagram account) The contestant will send the photo in the attachment to e-mail:, with “Fotosútaž” in subject line, and provide their name and contact details.
  • Deadline for submissions is September 30, 2020.
  • Public vote will end on October 5, 2020 at 4 pm.
  • The winners will be solemnly announced at the end of Biek to Wok campaign – we will keep you posted on exact date.

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