Restored paths and new wells expect tourists

Volunteers improve the conditions of the hiking trails for better walking and cycling tourism in Slovakia  in the programme of Living Trails. We have accomplished in restoring seven various localities  this year thanks to grant – aided programmes.

Our programme initially supported only projects in National Parks. The programme has been focusing on the whole Slovak republic since the year 2012. More than 280 km of hiking trails and cycling trails in Slovakia  have been reconstructed thanks to a long-term collaboration with Horalky from Sedita“, says Ján Roháč, the programme manager of the programme Living Trails from Ekopolis Foundation.  We have not just restored the mentioned trails but we also created new wells and we have also revitalized the existing wells next to the trails in the current year.

  1. KTS Krupina and Mestske Lesy Krupina (Municipal forests) have carried out a reparation of wells in Štiavnické vrchy. They have reconstructed two neglected forest wells in the estate of town Krupina. A water well below Slnný vrch and Lupták well. They not only have cleaned the outlet tubes and the spring but they also have cleaned the surroundings. Moreover they have constructed an access bridge or small roof above the spring.
  2. A civic organization Telekia Michalovce has restored a marked tourist path Remetské Hámre. In addition they have reconstructed so many that three water wells. They have restored five arrows and three wells in total. Moreover they have cleaned their surroundings.
  3. The volunteers of KST Horovce have carried out a restoration of wells and trails next to Horovce. They have repaired the arrow and they have accomplished in constructing two wells. The first water well Studienka with a small roof, the second water well Studnička Pod Hríbom. They have put benches around it and they have cleaned the access paths.
  4. Volunteers of SCK Slovensky kras have carried out a reconstruction of the Slovensky Kras´s spring in Gemerska Hôrka. In addition they have restored a cycle – tourist routes marking there. They have cleaned the original stage of the spring and its surrounding. Moreover they have put new educative – informational tables.
  5. A civic organization for Development of mountain biking has restored six cycle-tourist routes marking and they have constructed a water well in Levočské vrchy. They have cleaned the surroundings and they have entirely revitalized a water well in the section of Štopark – Haligovce.
  6. Cyclo Adventure Slovakia has restored the route markings and they have also restored two forest water wells in the section of Kráľová – Neresnica. They have also made and put two wooden constructions there. The have put roofs around the wells; they have set up info panels and maps.
  7. KST Tesla Piešťany have restored marking, water wells; and they have constructed infrastructure in Považský Inovec. They have repaired the information tables and the access to them; they have restored water wells Staroprameň and Výtoky. They have put benches around them and footbridges next to the access paths.

We have achieved to restore 45 km of marked tourist trails in total; 62 km of cycle – tourist trails and  15 new water wells have been added or they have been restored. In total ten thousand euros have been redistributed“, Roháč informs.


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