Cyclists’ organizations call on the Government to increase support for cyclists, pedestrians, and public transportation

44 organizations active in support and promotion of cycling and bicycle touring signed a call to the newly elected government for significant increase in support for cyclists, pedestrians, and public transportation. In the call, Signatories demand conceptual, institutional and budgetary changes in the Government and state administration’s approach to sustainable mobility, and improvements in the conditions for motorless means of transport.

Citizens’ organizations and municipalities – all active in support and promotion of cycling and walking in Slovakia and acting on incitement of citizens’ associations Cykloplatforma Slovenska and Cykloiniciatíva – presented their demand to Igor Matovič (the Prime Minister of SR), Veronika Remišová (the Deputy Prime Minister of SR for Investments and Informatization), Andrej Doležal (the Minister of Transport and Construction of SR) and Ján Budaj (the Minister of Environment of SR). The signatories demand for the fundamental goals in motorless and public transportation in Slovakia to be included in the Government’s Policy Statement.

The signatories demand the following goals to be included:

  1. Increase in the overall share of cycle transportation in Slovak cities to 5 %.
  2. Improve the safety and overall comfort of pedestrians and cyclists in order to reduce the mortality of 50 %.
  3. Create a proper and quality net of safe cycle routes and quiet zones in cities and regions.
  4. Promote bicycle as a mean of transport, hobby, and for tourism in order to improve the quality of environment, public health and to contribute to sustainable development of Slovak villages, cities and regions.

In order to meet these goals, the signatories demand the Government to execute multiple systematic changes. They demand establishing a sustainable mobility department on Ministry of Transport and Construction of SR, change in Act 9/2009 on road traffic in favour of motorless transportation, and continuing financing and progressive increasing in finance for Cyklovýzva (CycloCall) from state budget. Moreover, the ministries should focus on increasing the general awareness of sustainable mobility and increase levels of expertise in government employees, civil engineers and civil planners. Government should improve the conditions for cyclists in order to maximize the possibilities for holidays and tourism. The signatories suggest specific measures for each area.

“Slovakia is way behind other European countries, when it comes to use of bicycle as a mean of transport. We do believe this is a temporary status and the new government will fully realize the future lies in motorless and public transportation and not in promoting individual motor transportation.” says Ján Roháč, the chairman of Cykloplatforma Slovenska, one of the initiating organizations.

Dan Kollár, the president of Cyklokoalícia, another initiating organization, sums it up: “Today, it has become clear the existing approach to transportation is not defensible. If we want the life in Slovakia to be better, we must promote motorless transportation. Efficient measures will bring health, social, environmental and economic benefits for the entire country.”

The initiative is well seen by Peter Klučka, the national cyclocoordinator at the Ministry of Transport and Construction of SR: “I welcome and support a well-intended initiative of country-wide cyclocommunity to promote cycling and cyclotourism in Slovakia in context of sustainable urban mobility, via systematic changes.

The call inciters and signatories expressed their will to help the Slovak government and ministries in order to meet the demands, and to execute the suggested measures.

Full-text: Call on the Government of the Slovak Republic to include sustainable mobility to Government’s Policy Statement (slovak language)


Ján Roháč, Cykloplatforma Slovenska, 00421 905 240 137,
Peter Rozsár, Cyklokoalícia, 00421 950 701 215,

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